- Details
- Written by: Anna Lorentzson
- Hits: 4415

Started working with hand eye coordination again. Painting is a skill nothing you are born with and need some training. Gearing up for going in the studio again.
Started working with hand eye coordination again. Painting is a skill nothing you are born with and need some training. Gearing up for going in the studio again.
Work on the website have been down for a while but now it looks like i am back and all the tech works again.
We have been thinking a long time about giving the web a big overhaul and now it is time. So for the next weeks things will be changed and made strange or not working. Sorry but it is needed. The cooperative website and the cloud will be down from time to time to.
On the upside we will put in a new more permanent High Fidelity server.High Fidelity.
The Opensim servers also need some work so the grid will be up and down and sometimes upside down.
I do some exploring in Second life every day. This place is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Retrospect/198/170/33
Just checking in and checking out new places. SL still alive and kicking.
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